
In this episode of Coaching Revealed, Dr. Woody Woodward, Director of the Coaching Innovation Lab at NYU is interviewed by IOC Executive Director Jeff Hull about coaching, technology, and artificial intelligence. They discuss the emerging technologies impacting today’s coaching industry, and what steps coaches can make to stay on the cutting edge of their practice and the field.


In this episode of Coaching Revealed, Dr. Woody Woodward, Director of the Coaching Innovation Lab at NYU is interviewed by IOC Executive Director Jeff Hull about coaching, technology, and artificial intelligence. As a coach and psychologist, Dr. Woody has merged practice and science together in his roles to follow technological advances and innovations.

Both Woody and Jeff discuss the impact relationships have had on their individual careers to where they are at today. With Woody sharing how his career and community have led him to where he is today. Along with tracking the journey Woody had in his individual career, he shares the advances in the spaces of technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence. We follow how Covid-19 helped serve as a catalyst for the digitization of coaching and Woody and Jeff explore where AI and Coaching have arrived today, with AI bots, assistants, and other emerging technologies.

Jeff and Woody discuss how coaches can utilize technology to their advantage and in support of the work they are currently doing with their clients. The balancing act between optimization and scaling coaching to serve more people, while maintaining the quality of personal relationships is a cornerstone to today’s discussion.

For coaches in today’s world, Woody discusses how coaches can utilize today’s technology and retain utilizing core values of the profession.