Description: What careers do people leave to become coaches? In this episode of Coaching Revealed, a panel of IOC Fellows, Jan Levine, Laura Gates, Steliana van de Rijt-Economu, and Vicky Essebag are interviewed by IOC Podcast Host, Austin Matzelle about their transition from outside industries to the field of coaching. The panel reflect on what called them into a career change, and the type of career fulfillment they have achieved through the jump across industries. Summary: What careers do people leave to become coaches? In this episode of Coaching Revealed, a panel of IOC Fellows, Jan Levine, Laura Gates, Steliana van de Rijt-Economu, and Vicky Essebag are interviewed by IOC Podcast Host, Austin Matzelle about their transition from outside industries to the field of coaching. Today’s panel arrived at the coaching field from a wide range of backgrounds, Law (Jan Levine), Banking and Tech (Laura), Organizational Development and Energy (Steliana), Education and Family Therapy (Vicki). Each one of them discovered coaching in unique ways as well, but had a common interest in becoming a coach themselves. Whether it be an evolution of one’s current career, alignment with personal values, or motivation from one’s passion, the group aligns on the field of coaching was the right next step for them in their career. Ultimately, the jump from one field to another can come with varied levels of difficulty, and as our panel discusses their own origins as coaches, they highlight how trusting following one’s mind, gut, and heart is key in making a career transition successful. Along with this belief, the ability to gather support from individuals outside oneself makes the transition more attainable. Our panel talks about the struggles of creating a coaching business, which like other entrepreneurial endeavors involves a lot more work than one can imagine. Pitfalls such as comparison are introduced as traps that can catch new coaches in a spiral. Which stops an individual from embracing the journey of stepping into a career as a coach. Thank you for tuning into Coaching Revealed, we’re excited for you to learn more about the journey of coaches into this constantly evolving world. Show Notes: Jan Levine: Vicky Essebag: Laura Gates: Steliana van de Rijt-Economu: Explore More Episodes Episode 29 Psychological Flexibility: Learning How We Shape Narratives West, Aprilia Episode 28 Positive Psychology and Coaching Past, Present, and Future Seligman, Martin Episode 27 Strengths-Based Coaching in Action Boselli, Colleen Episode 26 The Art of Coaching: Theater Techniques for Leadership Kessous, Guila Clara Episode 25 Silence, Strengths, and Coaching Aronowitz, Claudia Episode 24 Redefining Leadership Through Mindfulness Kaufmann, Eric Episode 23 The Pursuit of Joy Larde, Pamela Episode 22 Coaching Towards a Positive Future Kellerman, Gabriella Episode 21 How To Discover Your Coaching Niche Field, Hannah, Huang, Jenny, Farquhar, Ali Episode 20 How to Coach Through Technological Revolutions Woodward, Woody Episode 19 How To Build a Sustainable Coaching Business Duberman, Tracy Episode 17 Pricing, Value Proposition and Finding Ideal Clients Meima, Miriam, Dempsey, Lisa Pages1 2 3 next › last »