Membership Tour

Emily Blumkin
September 18, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Membership Benefits Discussion, Tour and Q&A

Are you curious about all the benefits available to you as a member of the IOC? Would you like to better understand how to fully take advantage of the IOC’s resources? Do you have questions about how these resources can be personally tailored to your coaching practice? If so, join Emily Terrani in her upcoming bi-monthly membership benefits tour & discussion group that will focus on reviewing the IOC’s abundance of membership resources. 

During the hour-long Zoom session, you will have the opportunity to participate in a virtual guided tour of the Institutes’ resources and website, get your membership benefits questions answered, and interact with other IOC members. We will walk you through all of the resources available to you as a member of the IOC and the different ways you can utilize your membership for learning, professional development and community. Bring your questions as we are eager to help you optimize your IOC membership experience.

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Meet Our Host

Emily Blumkin

Emily Terrani, the Sponsor & Fellow Outreach Manager for the Institute of Coaching, is a graduate of Cornell University with a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and minor in Health Policy Analysis Management. Her greatest passion is to help empower others to improve their mental, emotional, social, physical and professional well-being. This passion, along with Emily’s ability to empathize with others, appreciate different perspectives, and understand situations holistically, has driven her to dedicate her academic and professional endeavors towards supporting others