Grants Overview

The Institute of Coaching (IOC) is dedicated to growing a robust scientific foundation that is essential for the integrity and credibility of the practice and profession of coaching. The IOC is strengthening and expanding the scientific foundation for coaching through multiple avenues and programs:

  1. supporting scientific investigators through coaching research grants funded by several sponsors, starting with the Harnisch Foundation and the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
  2. translating grant project findings and broad scientific findings to coaching practice through diverse IOC educational programs.
  3. conducting IOC in-house research projects, expanding on our first 2020/2021 project that led to the report: Leading with Humanity.

The first research grant program was established with the founding of the IOC in 2009, funded by a $2 million donation from Ruth Ann Harnisch and the Harnisch Foundation. In ten years of that program, 37 research proposals were funded resulting in more than 50 scholarly publications.

In 2021, the International Coaching Federation generously pledged $575,000 in financial support for the next generation of IOC coaching research grants. This gift allows the IOC to award $100,000 per year in financial support to researchers, graduate students, and scholar-practitioners to conduct and disseminate empirical coaching research. The IOC leads the scientific evaluation and decision-making process performed by the Scientific Advisory Council, while ICF is the generous funder of this grant program.

Checkout our insightful Current Trends in Coaching Research Webinar featuring a distinguished panel of key stakeholders of the IOC-ICF Coaching Research Grant Program. Our panelists will offer perspectives from the donor, program director, scientific advisory board member, and a grant recipient.

IOC-ICF coaching research grants fund (1) scientific inquiry research projects, (2) graduate student fellowships, and (3) research dissemination. The application process begins with submission of a pre-proposal as outlined below.

Who Is Eligible to Apply?

Those interested in contributing to the evidence base of coaching through research who are affiliated with academic institutions, non-profit organizations or independent are eligible to submit a pre-proposal for funding consideration by the Institute of Coaching. We accept international applicants. We do not accept grant applications from private companies, or individuals who are studying anything that is proprietary or used for profit.  Applicants may be affiliated with academic institutions, non-profit organizations, or be independent.  It is not required that applicants are members of the IOC or the ICF.  It is also not required that you are affiliated with an academic or research institution in order to submit a research proposal. However, all researchers must demonstrate their experience in research and their understanding of research protocols or show evidence that they have a research mentor or supervisor with a doctoral degree and scholarly publication record. If your proposal is approved for funding, you will need to submit a letter of approval from your institution’s Internal Review Board or Ethics Committee. We also strongly encourage graduate and post-graduate research applicants.  

Please note: Given that one goal of the Institute of Coaching is to advance the field of coaching as a whole, we do not fund research on coaching models, tools, or methods that are proprietary (i.e., trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected) or primarily commercial in nature (i.e., exclusively associated with one author or group). Accepting funding support precludes future decisions to create proprietary material based on research we have supported.

Grant Submission Overview

  1. Select Grant. Review the three types of grants and select the type of grant that is right for you.
  2. Submission of pre-proposal: Submit a two-page pre-proposal letter including specific content requirements outlined in link below. A pre-proposal is required, and must be approved before you may submit a full grant proposal. Pre-proposals are accepted any time throughout the year. Only one pre-proposal application may be submitted per calendar year.
  3. Review of pre-proposal: Pre-proposals will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Advisory Council and you will be notified regarding approval, request for additional information or disapproval to proceed with a full grant application.
  4. Submission of full proposal*: Those who have received notification of approved pre-proposals will be invited to proceed to a full grant application. Requirements for application are outlined in link below. There are four full grant application deadlines per calendar year: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1.
  5. Review of full proposal*: The Scientific Advisory Council will review the proposals and inform you of the decision within 75 calendar days from submission deadline.

Types of Grants Pre-Proposal Requirements Full Proposal Requirements

* Only those who have been notified that their pre-proposal was approved will proceed through submission and review of a full proposal.

Grant Types and Budget Guidelines

IOC-ICF Scientific Inquiry Grant

You are invited to apply for this grant if you are an experienced researcher who is conducting empirical research in coaching and are seeking funds to support a specific project.

We offer scientific inquiry grants of up to $40,000 per project (normally up to 18 months). On rare occasions additional funding and time may be considered. Applicants must demonstrate competence in conducting and completing research. We welcome research proposals that employ quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method approaches.

Budget Guidelines

The scientific inquiry grant can be used to cover:

  • participant compensation
  • laboratory equipment purchases or rental of timeshared equipment
  • costs associated with the creation and reproduction of research materials including transcripts, translations, phone calls and faxes
  • Indirect institutional costs up to 15%

Non-research related expenses that are not covered include:

  • salaries, literature reviews
  • secretarial compensation
  • professional development costs
  • tuition for additional coursework
  • travel to conferences
  • capital equipment expenditures (i.e. computers, tape recorders)
  • repayment of loans or other personal obligations
  • gifts or gratuities

Coaching session costs and researcher assistance are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

IOC-ICF Graduate Student Fellowship Grant

You are invited to apply for this fellowship if you are a Masters or Doctoral candidate seeking support for your coaching dissertation research. Awards of up to $10,000 each are offered for high quality research projects that have received institutional approval.

Budget Guidelines

  • Graduate student fellowship grants are subject to the same budget guidelines as the Scientific Inquiry grants.

Open Access Publication Grant (currently not open)

Open Access Publication Grants are for individuals who have completed non-proprietary, empirically sound coaching research and would like assistance in disseminating their findings. This grant covers open-access fees for authors who have had manuscripts accepted for publication in peer-reviewed academic journals.

Pre-proposal applications are accepted at any time.

  1. Review the pre-proposal application requirements below. Pre-proposals must meet the criteria and include an application form, project description, CV and budget.
  2. Create an account using our online grant submission portal (slideroom).
  3. Pre-proposals must be submitted through the grant submission portal. Log into the grant submission system and upload the required content for your pre-proposal.
  4. Your pre-proposal will receive a review by the IOC Scientific Advisory Council. Pre-proposals are either accepted, rejected or additional information or revisions are requested. You will receive our decision within a month of submission. If additional information is requested, you will be asked to submit a pre-proposal addendum through Slideroom. If your pre-proposal is approved, you will be invited to submit full proposals for our quarterly deadlines: February 1, May 1, August 1 or November 1. Please be aware that an invitation from the Institute of Coaching to submit a full proposal application does not guarantee funding.

  5. Only one pre-proposal application may be submitted per calendar year.

Go to Submission Portal

Pre-Proposal Application Requirements

Pre-Proposal Application Form

This is a templated form on Slideroom. The following information is required on the form:

  • Name of Principal Investigator and highest degree;
  • Your institutional or organizational affiliation (if any);
  • Your contact details;
  • The type of grant you are applying for;
  • The title of your research project;
  • Names and affiliations of your key collaborators;
  • If you are a graduate student or applicant not affiliated with a research institution, include name, institutional affiliation and contact information of a mentor who has agreed to provide guidance and support;
  • An estimate of the funding support you are requesting.

Pre-Proposal Project Description

This is a 2-page attachment to be included with application. If you are submitting a pre-proposal for the Research Dissemination Grant, respond to application criteria below by outlining the research you have completed.

  1. State the specific research questions and hypotheses you will address and test.
  2. Clearly indicate what is new and unique about the proposed research and how the expected findings will advance the coaching literature, research and practice on this topic.
  3. Identify the quantitative and/or qualitative research methods you will use in sufficient detail to establish the viability and rigor of your proposed study. This includes description of variables, measures, sample size, and data analytic approach; for qualitative projects or components include data collection approach, sample size, and how data will be analyzed.
  4. If relevant, describe how the coaching will be organized and what approach will be used.
  5. Indicate what findings you anticipate.
  6. Estimate the duration of your project.
  7. Works cited (references not included in 2-page limit)


An estimated line-item budget is required. Budget items must conform to the following guidelines:

  1. Research related expenses that can be covered by the grant include: Participant compensation, laboratory equipment purchases or rental of timeshared equipment, costs associated with the creation and reproduction of research materials including transcripts, translations, phone calls and faxes, as well as Indirect institutional costs up to 15%.
  2. Coaching session costs and researcher time are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  3. Non research related expenses which are not covered include: Salaries, literature reviews, secretarial compensation, professional development costs, tuition for additional coursework, capital equipment expenditures (i.e. computers, tape recorders), repayment of loans or other personal obligations, gifts or gratuities.

Note: see specific budget guidelines for each type of grant

Download Budget Template

Proprietary Models

Given that one goal of the Institute of Coaching is to advance the field of coaching as a whole, we do not fund research on coaching models, tools, or methods that are proprietary (i.e., trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected) or primarily commercial in nature (i.e., exclusively associated with one author or group). Accepting funding support precludes future decisions to create proprietary material based on research we have supported.

Please direct questions to [email protected]

Go to Submission Portal

Full Proposal Application Instructions

A pre-proposal must first be submitted and approved by the IOC Scientific Advisory Council prior to submitting a full proposal. If your pre proposal is approved, you will be invited to submit a full-proposal.

Please be aware that an invitation from the Institute of Coaching to submit a full proposal application does not guarantee funding.

  1. Please review full proposal application requirements below.
  2. To submit your full proposal, use your existing account through our online grant submission portal grant submission portal (SlideRoom).
  3. Your full proposal will receive a review by the IOC Scientific Advisory Council. Full proposals may be accepted, accepted with minor revisions, not accepted with an opportunity to revise and resubmit, or rejected. You will receive a decision within 75 days of the application deadline.
  4. If additional information is requested, you will be asked to revise and resubmit your full proposal through SlideRoom.
  5. We have quarterly deadlines for full proposals: February 1, May 1, August 1 or November 1. You must submit a full proposal within one year of approval of your pre-proposal.
    1. Exception: Research Dissemination proposals can be submitted at any time throughout the year

Scientific Inquiry Graduate Student Fellowship Research Dissemination

Scientific Inquiry Grants

Full Proposal Application Form:

The following information is required on the templated form in SlideRoom:
  • Name of Principal Investigator and highest degree;
  • Your institutional or organizational affiliation (if any);
  • Contact details;
  • The type of grant you are applying for;
  • The title of your research project;
  • Names and affiliations of your key collaborators;
  • If you are an applicant not affiliated with a research institution, include name, institutional affiliation and contact information of a mentor who has agreed to provide guidance and support;
  • An estimate of the funding support you are requesting.

Full Proposal Project Description

The body of the proposal (sections A – E) is limited to 10 pages (12 point font)

  1. ABSTRACT Summarize your proposed project (Limit 300 words).
  2. PURPOSE OF RESEARCH AND RELEVANCE TO COACHING Clearly indicate what is new and unique about the proposed research and how the expected findings will advance the coaching literature on this topic. Discuss the practical implications of the proposed research.
  3. LITERATURE REVIEW Thoroughly describe and summarize the relevant existing research including the theoretical framework underlying your research question(s). Evaluate the literature and identify gaps, inconsistencies, relationships, or contradictions that support the need for your research project.
  4. RESEARCH QUESTION(S) List your research question(s). For quantitative projects please state your hypotheses.
  5. METHODOLOGY AND ANALYSES Describe the quantitative and/or qualitative methods and analyses you will use for this project. Provide a description of and rationale for the (a) target population, anticipated sample size and sampling procedures; (b) data collection procedure, including reliability, reference to instruments to be used, and/or or describe the procedures that will be used to develop the measures; and (c) analytical techniques to be used. If your methodology includes a coaching intervention, please include specific information on what the intervention involves.
  6. REFERENCES Include your list of work cited (Not included in the 10 page limit)
Additional Project Description Questions G through J:
  1. TIME LINE Detail the time schedule for completion of the proposed research including a date by which you will submit a summary of the findings from your research.
  2. PRESENTATION AND PUBLICATION PLAN List conferences and journals where you plan to present and publish the research
  3. IRB/ETHICS STATEMENT If you have not yet received IRB/ethics approval from your institution, please describe how you plan to address the protection and ethical treatment of any human subjects in your research.
  4. LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Please provide the names of two licensed mental health practitioners to whom you would refer subjects participating in your research if required.

Supporting Documents

Curricula Vitae/Resumes of all investigators.

Include past research, academic writing, conference presentations, and publications. (Limit 5 pages per investigator)

If the grant is awarded, you will need to send a letter of approval from the institution's Internal Review Board or Ethics Committee before funding can be transferred. If you have already received approval, please include approval letter in your application.

If you have any additional supporting documentation, please include in application.

Scientific Inquiry Budget

Include a table with a line item budget for your project including the total amount requested from the Institute of Coaching. (Please use budget template found here:

Budget Guidelines: Scientific Inquiry ($40,000 max) covered expenses include:
  • participant compensation
  • research assistance (part-time and not salary based)
  • laboratory equipment purchases or rental of timeshared equipment
  • costs associated with the creation and reproduction of research materials including transcripts, translations, phone calls and faxes
  • Indirect institutional costs up to 15%
  • Coaching session costs and researcher assistance are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Proposed coaching session costs must be at a reduced fee.
Non-research related expenses that are not covered include:
  • salaries
  • literature reviews
  • secretarial compensation
  • professional development costs
  • tuition for additional coursework
  • travel to conferences
  • capital equipment expenditures (i.e. computers, tape recorders)
  • repayment of loans or other personal obligations
  • gifts or gratuities
Proprietary Models not funded:

Given that one goal of the Institute of Coaching is to advance the field of coaching as a whole, we do not fund research on coaching models, tools, or methods that are proprietary (i.e., trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected) or primarily commercial in nature (i.e., exclusively associated with one author or group). Accepting funding support precludes future decisions to create proprietary material based on research we have supported. Please direct questions to [email protected]

Budget Template:

**Provide prices per unit in US Dollars, calculations for total price per line and total budget.**

Download Budget Template Go to Submission Portal

Graduate Student Fellowship Grants

Full Proposal Application Form

The following information is required on the templated form in SlideRoom:
  • Name of Principal Investigator and highest degree;
  • Your institutional or organizational affiliation (if any);
  • Contact details;
  • The type of grant you are applying for;
  • The title of your research project;
  • Names and affiliations of your key collaborators;
  • Graduate students or applicants not affiliated with a research institution, include name, institutional affiliation and contact information of a mentor who has agreed to provide guidance and support;
  • An estimate of the funding support you are requesting.

Full Proposal Project Description

The body of the proposal (sections A – E) is limited to 10 pages (12 point font)

  1. ABSTRACT Summarize your proposed project (Limit 300 words).
  2. PURPOSE OF RESEARCH AND RELEVANCE TO COACHING Clearly indicate what is new and unique about the proposed research and how the expected findings will advance the coaching literature on this topic. Discuss the practical implications of the proposed research.
  3. LITERATURE REVIEW Thoroughly describe and summarize the relevant existing research including the theoretical framework underlying your research question(s). Evaluate the literature and identify gaps, inconsistencies, relationships, or contradictions that support the need for your research project.
  4. RESEARCH QUESTION(S) List your research question(s). For quantitative projects please state your hypotheses.
  5. METHODOLOGY AND ANALYSES Describe the quantitative and/or qualitative methods and analyses you will use for this project. Provide a description of and rationale for the (a) target population, anticipated sample size and sampling procedures; (b) data collection procedure, including reliability, reference to instruments to be used, and/or or describe the procedures that will be used to develop the measures; and (c) analytical techniques to be used. If your methodology includes a coaching intervention, please include specific information on what the intervention involves.
  6. REFERENCES Include your list of work cited (Not included in the 10 page limit)
Additional Project Description Questions G through J:
  1. TIME LINE Detail the time schedule for completion of the proposed research including a date by which you will submit a summary of the findings from your research.
  2. PRESENTATION AND PUBLICATION PLAN List conferences and journals where you plan to present and publish the research
  3. IRB/ETHICS STATEMENT If you have not yet received IRB/ethics approval from your institution, please describe how you plan to address the protection and ethical treatment of any human subjects in your research.
  4. LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Please provide the names of two licensed mental health practitioners to whom you would refer subjects participating in your research if required.

Supporting Documents

Curricula Vitae/Resumes of all investigators.

Include past research, academic writing, conference presentations, and publications. (Limit 5 pages per investigator)

If the grant is awarded, you will need to send a letter of approval from the institution's Internal Review Board or Ethics Committee before funding can be transferred. If you have already received approval, please include approval letter in your application.

If you have any additional supporting documentation, please include in application.

Graduate Student Fellowship Budget:

Include a table with a line item budget for your project including the total amount requested from the Institute of Coaching. (Please use budget template found here:

Budget Guidelines: Graduate Student Fellowship ($10,000 max) covered expenses include:
  • participant compensation
  • research assistance (part-time and not salary based)
  • laboratory equipment purchases or rental of timeshared equipment
  • costs associated with the creation and reproduction of research materials including transcripts, translations, phone calls and faxes
  • Indirect institutional costs up to 15%
  • Coaching session costs and researcher assistance are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Proposed coaching session costs must be at a reduced fee.
Non-research related expenses that are not covered include:
  • salaries
  • literature reviews
  • secretarial compensation
  • professional development costs
  • tuition for additional coursework
  • travel to conferences
  • capital equipment expenditures (i.e. computers, tape recorders)
  • repayment of loans or other personal obligations
  • gifts or gratuities
Proprietary models not funded:

Given that one goal of the Institute of Coaching is to advance the field of coaching as a whole, we do not fund research on coaching models, tools, or methods that are proprietary (i.e., trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected) or primarily commercial in nature (i.e., exclusively associated with one author or group). Accepting funding support precludes future decisions to create proprietary material based on research we have supported.

Budget Template:

**Provide prices per unit in US Dollars, calculations for total price per line and total budget.**

Download Budget Template Go to Submission Portal

Research Dissemination Grant ($2,500 max) cover research related expenses for two award types:

This grant type is currently closed.

Open-Access Award

Journal fees for accepted, peer-reviewed articles in open access scholarly journals and subscription-based journals with an author-paid article processing charge (APC) option.

This will not cover ‘immediate open access’ fees for journals that offer delayed open access of 6 months or less. (Fee to be paid directly to the journal on behalf of the author).

Travel Award

Covers expenses for IOC’s Coaching in Leadership & Healthcare conference including:

  • air or train fare to Boston
  • ground transportation
  • hotel accommodation for the duration of the conference, meals, and sundries of up to $2500 with the submission of receipts

Please direct questions to [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for a research grant from the Institute of Coaching?

Those interested in contributing to the evidence base of coaching through research and affiliated with academic institutions, non-profit organizations or independent are eligible to submit a pre-proposal for funding consideration by the Institute of Coaching. Any insights cleaned from IOC-funded research must exist in the public domain. Accepting funding support precludes future decisions to create proprietary material based on research we have supported.

Does the IOC accept research grant applications from applicants outside the US?

Yes, we welcome international applicants.

Can private companies apply for research grants from the Institute of Coaching?

No. We do not accept grant applications from private companies.

Given that one goal of the Institute of Coaching is to advance the field of coaching as a whole, we do not fund research on coaching models, tools, or methods that are proprietary (i.e., trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected) or primarily commercial in nature (i.e., exclusively associated with one author or group).

Can independent researchers or practitioners apply for research grants?

Yes. There is no need to be affiliated with an academic or research institution in order to submit a research proposal. However, all researchers must demonstrate their experience in research and their understanding of research protocols, or show evidence that they have a research mentor or supervisor for the project with a doctoral degree and scholarly publication record. Additionally, all grant recipients must provide proof of ethics approval from an Institutional Review Board or ethics committee prior to receiving grant funds. Independent researchers and practitioners are encouraged to partner with universities or organizations for ethics review purposes.

Can graduate students apply for grants?

Yes. We strongly encourage graduate and post-graduate research applicants. The research project must have been approved by the student's academic advisors or dissertation committee before submission to the Institute of Coaching.

Can institutions apply for grants?


Is an approval by the Internal Review Board (Ethics Committee) Required?

Yes. The project must be approved by the school or institution's Internal Review Board or Ethics Committee before funding can be transferred.

What types of research can be supported by the grants?

We welcome research proposals that advance the science, theory, profession and practice of coaching, employing quantitative, qualitative or mixed research methods. We grant three types of awards: Scientific Inquiry Grant, Graduate Student Fellowship Grant, and Open Access Publication Grant.

Types of Grants

What is the application procedure?

The application process begins with a brief pre-proposal, including an application form, 2-page project description, CV and budget. Details about how to submit a pre-proposal are outlined on the pre-proposal tab. Pre-proposals can be submitted any time throughout the year. The pre-proposal will be reviewed by members of the IOC Scientific Advisory Council and you will be notified within 30 days if you can proceed with a full grant application.

Is there a limit on how many pre proposals I can submit? 

Yes, we accept one pre proposal from any one individual per calendar year.  

Pre-Proposal Requirements

What are the deadlines?

Pre-proposals can be submitted at any time throughout the year. We review full proposals quarterly. Deadlines for submission of full proposals are: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1.

What expenses can an Institute of Coaching grant cover?

Itemized budgets are to be included in the full proposal and must be approved by the SAC. At the end of the research project period, researchers will be required to submit an itemized list of all expenses that were covered by the Institute of Coaching grant.

Scientific Inquiry Graduate Student Fellowship Research Dissemination

When will I receive information about the Scientific Advisory Council’s decision?

You will be informed about the decision of your pre-proposal within a month of submission. You will be informed of the decision about the full proposal within 75 days of the submission deadline.

Can I submit more than one proposal at a time?

No, only one proposal per researcher can be considered at any one time.

Can I re-submit a proposal that was rejected?

No, you cannot resubmit a rejected proposal. However, you can submit a new proposal with new research questions or new methodology.

How quickly must the research project be completed?

Projects funded by the Institute of Coaching will be completed according to the timeline and schedule submitted as part of the application process. Usually they are completed within 18 months of contract approval.

How long is the research paper expected to be?

There is no minimum or maximum length for research papers funded by the Institute of Coaching.

Will the Institute own the rights to the research?

No, the rights to the research will remain with the researcher.

Will the Institute publish the research?

Upon completion of a funded research project, the Institute may post a summary of the research outcomes on its website. For examples see Featured Research. The Institute retains the rights to post summaries and research reports on the work it funds, in print or electronically. Authors will retain copyright and the Institute posting will be completed in collaboration with authors. Papers published in journals will not be posted on the IOC website, but links to the publication in the relevant journal might be posted.

Will the Institute fund research that uses proprietary models?

Given that one goal of the Institute of Coaching is to advance the field of coaching as a whole, we do not fund research on coaching models, tools, or methods that are proprietary (i.e., trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected) or primarily commercial in nature (i.e., exclusively associated with one author or group). Receiving funding from the IOC precludes any future decisions to create proprietary material based on research we have supported.

Please direct further questions to [email protected].

Scientific Advisory Council Review Process

After submission of the full proposal, each grant is independently reviewed by three members of the IOC Scientific Advisory Council (SAC). During the quarterly SAC grant review meeting, each grant proposal is examined in detail by the SAC. The reviewers report their assessments to the entire Scientific Advisory Council and the group determines a final decision.

We will inform you of our decision within 75 days after the relevant application deadline. The information you provide is confidential and available only to the staff of the Institute of Coaching and our SAC. We appreciate the effort involved in submitting an application and, thus, provide not only the outcome decision, but also detailed reviewer feedback on the project. Grants may be accepted, accepted with minor revisions, not accepted with an opportunity to revise and resubmit, or rejected.

A pre-proposal or full proposal that has once been rejected may not be submitted again. You may, however, submit a proposal for a new study (with new research questions and methodology).

Accepted Full Grant Proposals

If accepted, a portion of the grant is funded at the outset of the project. Depending on circumstances of each project, funded amount, and length of the project, the remainder of the funds are disbursed at pre-determined intervals. Reports on grant progress, including successes and any challenges encountered will be required by 1 October and upon request of the SAC. A final written report of findings is required.

Go to Submission Portal


Grants Overview

The Institute of Coaching (IOC) is dedicated to growing a robust scientific foundation that is essential for the integrity and credibility of the practice and profession of coaching. The IOC is strengthening and expanding the scientific foundation for coaching through multiple avenues and programs:

  1. supporting scientific investigators through coaching research grants funded by several sponsors, starting with the Harnisch Foundation and the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
  2. translating grant project findings and broad scientific findings to coaching practice through diverse IOC educational programs.
  3. conducting IOC in-house research projects, expanding on our first 2020/2021 project that led to the report: Leading with Humanity.

The first research grant program was established with the founding of the IOC in 2009, funded by a $2 million donation from Ruth Ann Harnisch and the Harnisch Foundation. In ten years of that program, 37 research proposals were funded resulting in more than 50 scholarly publications.

In 2021, the International Coaching Federation generously pledged $575,000 in financial support for the next generation of IOC coaching research grants. This gift allows the IOC to award $100,000 per year in financial support to researchers, graduate students, and scholar-practitioners to conduct and disseminate empirical coaching research. The IOC leads the scientific evaluation and decision-making process performed by the Scientific Advisory Council, while ICF is the generous funder of this grant program.

Checkout our insightful Current Trends in Coaching Research Webinar featuring a distinguished panel of key stakeholders of the IOC-ICF Coaching Research Grant Program. Our panelists will offer perspectives from the donor, program director, scientific advisory board member, and a grant recipient.

IOC-ICF coaching research grants fund (1) scientific inquiry research projects, (2) graduate student fellowships, and (3) research dissemination. The application process begins with submission of a pre-proposal as outlined below.

Who Is Eligible to Apply?

Those interested in contributing to the evidence base of coaching through research who are affiliated with academic institutions, non-profit organizations or independent are eligible to submit a pre-proposal for funding consideration by the Institute of Coaching. We accept international applicants. We do not accept grant applications from private companies, or individuals who are studying anything that is proprietary or used for profit.  Applicants may be affiliated with academic institutions, non-profit organizations, or be independent.  It is not required that applicants are members of the IOC or the ICF.  It is also not required that you are affiliated with an academic or research institution in order to submit a research proposal. However, all researchers must demonstrate their experience in research and their understanding of research protocols or show evidence that they have a research mentor or supervisor with a doctoral degree and scholarly publication record. If your proposal is approved for funding, you will need to submit a letter of approval from your institution’s Internal Review Board or Ethics Committee. We also strongly encourage graduate and post-graduate research applicants.  

Please note: Given that one goal of the Institute of Coaching is to advance the field of coaching as a whole, we do not fund research on coaching models, tools, or methods that are proprietary (i.e., trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected) or primarily commercial in nature (i.e., exclusively associated with one author or group). Accepting funding support precludes future decisions to create proprietary material based on research we have supported.

Grant Submission Overview

  1. Select Grant. Review the three types of grants and select the type of grant that is right for you.
  2. Submission of pre-proposal: Submit a two-page pre-proposal letter including specific content requirements outlined in link below. A pre-proposal is required, and must be approved before you may submit a full grant proposal. Pre-proposals are accepted any time throughout the year. Only one pre-proposal application may be submitted per calendar year.
  3. Review of pre-proposal: Pre-proposals will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Advisory Council and you will be notified regarding approval, request for additional information or disapproval to proceed with a full grant application.
  4. Submission of full proposal*: Those who have received notification of approved pre-proposals will be invited to proceed to a full grant application. Requirements for application are outlined in link below. There are four full grant application deadlines per calendar year: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1.
  5. Review of full proposal*: The Scientific Advisory Council will review the proposals and inform you of the decision within 75 calendar days from submission deadline.

Types of Grants Pre-Proposal Requirements Full Proposal Requirements

* Only those who have been notified that their pre-proposal was approved will proceed through submission and review of a full proposal.

Types of Grants

Grant Types and Budget Guidelines

IOC-ICF Scientific Inquiry Grant

You are invited to apply for this grant if you are an experienced researcher who is conducting empirical research in coaching and are seeking funds to support a specific project.

We offer scientific inquiry grants of up to $40,000 per project (normally up to 18 months). On rare occasions additional funding and time may be considered. Applicants must demonstrate competence in conducting and completing research. We welcome research proposals that employ quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method approaches.

Budget Guidelines

The scientific inquiry grant can be used to cover:

  • participant compensation
  • laboratory equipment purchases or rental of timeshared equipment
  • costs associated with the creation and reproduction of research materials including transcripts, translations, phone calls and faxes
  • Indirect institutional costs up to 15%

Non-research related expenses that are not covered include:

  • salaries, literature reviews
  • secretarial compensation
  • professional development costs
  • tuition for additional coursework
  • travel to conferences
  • capital equipment expenditures (i.e. computers, tape recorders)
  • repayment of loans or other personal obligations
  • gifts or gratuities

Coaching session costs and researcher assistance are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

IOC-ICF Graduate Student Fellowship Grant

You are invited to apply for this fellowship if you are a Masters or Doctoral candidate seeking support for your coaching dissertation research. Awards of up to $10,000 each are offered for high quality research projects that have received institutional approval.

Budget Guidelines

  • Graduate student fellowship grants are subject to the same budget guidelines as the Scientific Inquiry grants.

Open Access Publication Grant (currently not open)

Open Access Publication Grants are for individuals who have completed non-proprietary, empirically sound coaching research and would like assistance in disseminating their findings. This grant covers open-access fees for authors who have had manuscripts accepted for publication in peer-reviewed academic journals.

Pre-Proposal Requirements

Pre-proposal applications are accepted at any time.

  1. Review the pre-proposal application requirements below. Pre-proposals must meet the criteria and include an application form, project description, CV and budget.
  2. Create an account using our online grant submission portal (slideroom).
  3. Pre-proposals must be submitted through the grant submission portal. Log into the grant submission system and upload the required content for your pre-proposal.
  4. Your pre-proposal will receive a review by the IOC Scientific Advisory Council. Pre-proposals are either accepted, rejected or additional information or revisions are requested. You will receive our decision within a month of submission. If additional information is requested, you will be asked to submit a pre-proposal addendum through Slideroom. If your pre-proposal is approved, you will be invited to submit full proposals for our quarterly deadlines: February 1, May 1, August 1 or November 1. Please be aware that an invitation from the Institute of Coaching to submit a full proposal application does not guarantee funding.

  5. Only one pre-proposal application may be submitted per calendar year.

Go to Submission Portal

Pre-Proposal Application Requirements

Pre-Proposal Application Form

This is a templated form on Slideroom. The following information is required on the form:

  • Name of Principal Investigator and highest degree;
  • Your institutional or organizational affiliation (if any);
  • Your contact details;
  • The type of grant you are applying for;
  • The title of your research project;
  • Names and affiliations of your key collaborators;
  • If you are a graduate student or applicant not affiliated with a research institution, include name, institutional affiliation and contact information of a mentor who has agreed to provide guidance and support;
  • An estimate of the funding support you are requesting.

Pre-Proposal Project Description

This is a 2-page attachment to be included with application. If you are submitting a pre-proposal for the Research Dissemination Grant, respond to application criteria below by outlining the research you have completed.

  1. State the specific research questions and hypotheses you will address and test.
  2. Clearly indicate what is new and unique about the proposed research and how the expected findings will advance the coaching literature, research and practice on this topic.
  3. Identify the quantitative and/or qualitative research methods you will use in sufficient detail to establish the viability and rigor of your proposed study. This includes description of variables, measures, sample size, and data analytic approach; for qualitative projects or components include data collection approach, sample size, and how data will be analyzed.
  4. If relevant, describe how the coaching will be organized and what approach will be used.
  5. Indicate what findings you anticipate.
  6. Estimate the duration of your project.
  7. Works cited (references not included in 2-page limit)


An estimated line-item budget is required. Budget items must conform to the following guidelines:

  1. Research related expenses that can be covered by the grant include: Participant compensation, laboratory equipment purchases or rental of timeshared equipment, costs associated with the creation and reproduction of research materials including transcripts, translations, phone calls and faxes, as well as Indirect institutional costs up to 15%.
  2. Coaching session costs and researcher time are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  3. Non research related expenses which are not covered include: Salaries, literature reviews, secretarial compensation, professional development costs, tuition for additional coursework, capital equipment expenditures (i.e. computers, tape recorders), repayment of loans or other personal obligations, gifts or gratuities.

Note: see specific budget guidelines for each type of grant

Download Budget Template

Proprietary Models

Given that one goal of the Institute of Coaching is to advance the field of coaching as a whole, we do not fund research on coaching models, tools, or methods that are proprietary (i.e., trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected) or primarily commercial in nature (i.e., exclusively associated with one author or group). Accepting funding support precludes future decisions to create proprietary material based on research we have supported.

Please direct questions to [email protected]

Go to Submission Portal

Full Proposal Requirements

Full Proposal Application Instructions

A pre-proposal must first be submitted and approved by the IOC Scientific Advisory Council prior to submitting a full proposal. If your pre proposal is approved, you will be invited to submit a full-proposal.

Please be aware that an invitation from the Institute of Coaching to submit a full proposal application does not guarantee funding.

  1. Please review full proposal application requirements below.
  2. To submit your full proposal, use your existing account through our online grant submission portal grant submission portal (SlideRoom).
  3. Your full proposal will receive a review by the IOC Scientific Advisory Council. Full proposals may be accepted, accepted with minor revisions, not accepted with an opportunity to revise and resubmit, or rejected. You will receive a decision within 75 days of the application deadline.
  4. If additional information is requested, you will be asked to revise and resubmit your full proposal through SlideRoom.
  5. We have quarterly deadlines for full proposals: February 1, May 1, August 1 or November 1. You must submit a full proposal within one year of approval of your pre-proposal.
    1. Exception: Research Dissemination proposals can be submitted at any time throughout the year

Scientific Inquiry Graduate Student Fellowship Research Dissemination

Scientific Inquiry Grants

Full Proposal Application Form:

The following information is required on the templated form in SlideRoom:
  • Name of Principal Investigator and highest degree;
  • Your institutional or organizational affiliation (if any);
  • Contact details;
  • The type of grant you are applying for;
  • The title of your research project;
  • Names and affiliations of your key collaborators;
  • If you are an applicant not affiliated with a research institution, include name, institutional affiliation and contact information of a mentor who has agreed to provide guidance and support;
  • An estimate of the funding support you are requesting.

Full Proposal Project Description

The body of the proposal (sections A – E) is limited to 10 pages (12 point font)

  1. ABSTRACT Summarize your proposed project (Limit 300 words).
  2. PURPOSE OF RESEARCH AND RELEVANCE TO COACHING Clearly indicate what is new and unique about the proposed research and how the expected findings will advance the coaching literature on this topic. Discuss the practical implications of the proposed research.
  3. LITERATURE REVIEW Thoroughly describe and summarize the relevant existing research including the theoretical framework underlying your research question(s). Evaluate the literature and identify gaps, inconsistencies, relationships, or contradictions that support the need for your research project.
  4. RESEARCH QUESTION(S) List your research question(s). For quantitative projects please state your hypotheses.
  5. METHODOLOGY AND ANALYSES Describe the quantitative and/or qualitative methods and analyses you will use for this project. Provide a description of and rationale for the (a) target population, anticipated sample size and sampling procedures; (b) data collection procedure, including reliability, reference to instruments to be used, and/or or describe the procedures that will be used to develop the measures; and (c) analytical techniques to be used. If your methodology includes a coaching intervention, please include specific information on what the intervention involves.
  6. REFERENCES Include your list of work cited (Not included in the 10 page limit)
Additional Project Description Questions G through J:
  1. TIME LINE Detail the time schedule for completion of the proposed research including a date by which you will submit a summary of the findings from your research.
  2. PRESENTATION AND PUBLICATION PLAN List conferences and journals where you plan to present and publish the research
  3. IRB/ETHICS STATEMENT If you have not yet received IRB/ethics approval from your institution, please describe how you plan to address the protection and ethical treatment of any human subjects in your research.
  4. LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Please provide the names of two licensed mental health practitioners to whom you would refer subjects participating in your research if required.

Supporting Documents

Curricula Vitae/Resumes of all investigators.

Include past research, academic writing, conference presentations, and publications. (Limit 5 pages per investigator)

If the grant is awarded, you will need to send a letter of approval from the institution's Internal Review Board or Ethics Committee before funding can be transferred. If you have already received approval, please include approval letter in your application.

If you have any additional supporting documentation, please include in application.

Scientific Inquiry Budget

Include a table with a line item budget for your project including the total amount requested from the Institute of Coaching. (Please use budget template found here:

Budget Guidelines: Scientific Inquiry ($40,000 max) covered expenses include:
  • participant compensation
  • research assistance (part-time and not salary based)
  • laboratory equipment purchases or rental of timeshared equipment
  • costs associated with the creation and reproduction of research materials including transcripts, translations, phone calls and faxes
  • Indirect institutional costs up to 15%
  • Coaching session costs and researcher assistance are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Proposed coaching session costs must be at a reduced fee.
Non-research related expenses that are not covered include:
  • salaries
  • literature reviews
  • secretarial compensation
  • professional development costs
  • tuition for additional coursework
  • travel to conferences
  • capital equipment expenditures (i.e. computers, tape recorders)
  • repayment of loans or other personal obligations
  • gifts or gratuities
Proprietary Models not funded:

Given that one goal of the Institute of Coaching is to advance the field of coaching as a whole, we do not fund research on coaching models, tools, or methods that are proprietary (i.e., trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected) or primarily commercial in nature (i.e., exclusively associated with one author or group). Accepting funding support precludes future decisions to create proprietary material based on research we have supported. Please direct questions to [email protected]

Budget Template:

**Provide prices per unit in US Dollars, calculations for total price per line and total budget.**

Download Budget Template Go to Submission Portal

Graduate Student Fellowship Grants

Full Proposal Application Form

The following information is required on the templated form in SlideRoom:
  • Name of Principal Investigator and highest degree;
  • Your institutional or organizational affiliation (if any);
  • Contact details;
  • The type of grant you are applying for;
  • The title of your research project;
  • Names and affiliations of your key collaborators;
  • Graduate students or applicants not affiliated with a research institution, include name, institutional affiliation and contact information of a mentor who has agreed to provide guidance and support;
  • An estimate of the funding support you are requesting.

Full Proposal Project Description

The body of the proposal (sections A – E) is limited to 10 pages (12 point font)

  1. ABSTRACT Summarize your proposed project (Limit 300 words).
  2. PURPOSE OF RESEARCH AND RELEVANCE TO COACHING Clearly indicate what is new and unique about the proposed research and how the expected findings will advance the coaching literature on this topic. Discuss the practical implications of the proposed research.
  3. LITERATURE REVIEW Thoroughly describe and summarize the relevant existing research including the theoretical framework underlying your research question(s). Evaluate the literature and identify gaps, inconsistencies, relationships, or contradictions that support the need for your research project.
  4. RESEARCH QUESTION(S) List your research question(s). For quantitative projects please state your hypotheses.
  5. METHODOLOGY AND ANALYSES Describe the quantitative and/or qualitative methods and analyses you will use for this project. Provide a description of and rationale for the (a) target population, anticipated sample size and sampling procedures; (b) data collection procedure, including reliability, reference to instruments to be used, and/or or describe the procedures that will be used to develop the measures; and (c) analytical techniques to be used. If your methodology includes a coaching intervention, please include specific information on what the intervention involves.
  6. REFERENCES Include your list of work cited (Not included in the 10 page limit)
Additional Project Description Questions G through J:
  1. TIME LINE Detail the time schedule for completion of the proposed research including a date by which you will submit a summary of the findings from your research.
  2. PRESENTATION AND PUBLICATION PLAN List conferences and journals where you plan to present and publish the research
  3. IRB/ETHICS STATEMENT If you have not yet received IRB/ethics approval from your institution, please describe how you plan to address the protection and ethical treatment of any human subjects in your research.
  4. LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Please provide the names of two licensed mental health practitioners to whom you would refer subjects participating in your research if required.

Supporting Documents

Curricula Vitae/Resumes of all investigators.

Include past research, academic writing, conference presentations, and publications. (Limit 5 pages per investigator)

If the grant is awarded, you will need to send a letter of approval from the institution's Internal Review Board or Ethics Committee before funding can be transferred. If you have already received approval, please include approval letter in your application.

If you have any additional supporting documentation, please include in application.

Graduate Student Fellowship Budget:

Include a table with a line item budget for your project including the total amount requested from the Institute of Coaching. (Please use budget template found here:

Budget Guidelines: Graduate Student Fellowship ($10,000 max) covered expenses include:
  • participant compensation
  • research assistance (part-time and not salary based)
  • laboratory equipment purchases or rental of timeshared equipment
  • costs associated with the creation and reproduction of research materials including transcripts, translations, phone calls and faxes
  • Indirect institutional costs up to 15%
  • Coaching session costs and researcher assistance are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Proposed coaching session costs must be at a reduced fee.
Non-research related expenses that are not covered include:
  • salaries
  • literature reviews
  • secretarial compensation
  • professional development costs
  • tuition for additional coursework
  • travel to conferences
  • capital equipment expenditures (i.e. computers, tape recorders)
  • repayment of loans or other personal obligations
  • gifts or gratuities
Proprietary models not funded:

Given that one goal of the Institute of Coaching is to advance the field of coaching as a whole, we do not fund research on coaching models, tools, or methods that are proprietary (i.e., trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected) or primarily commercial in nature (i.e., exclusively associated with one author or group). Accepting funding support precludes future decisions to create proprietary material based on research we have supported.

Budget Template:

**Provide prices per unit in US Dollars, calculations for total price per line and total budget.**

Download Budget Template Go to Submission Portal

Research Dissemination Grant ($2,500 max) cover research related expenses for two award types:

This grant type is currently closed.

Open-Access Award

Journal fees for accepted, peer-reviewed articles in open access scholarly journals and subscription-based journals with an author-paid article processing charge (APC) option.

This will not cover ‘immediate open access’ fees for journals that offer delayed open access of 6 months or less. (Fee to be paid directly to the journal on behalf of the author).

Travel Award

Covers expenses for IOC’s Coaching in Leadership & Healthcare conference including:

  • air or train fare to Boston
  • ground transportation
  • hotel accommodation for the duration of the conference, meals, and sundries of up to $2500 with the submission of receipts

Please direct questions to [email protected]


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for a research grant from the Institute of Coaching?

Those interested in contributing to the evidence base of coaching through research and affiliated with academic institutions, non-profit organizations or independent are eligible to submit a pre-proposal for funding consideration by the Institute of Coaching. Any insights cleaned from IOC-funded research must exist in the public domain. Accepting funding support precludes future decisions to create proprietary material based on research we have supported.

Does the IOC accept research grant applications from applicants outside the US?

Yes, we welcome international applicants.

Can private companies apply for research grants from the Institute of Coaching?

No. We do not accept grant applications from private companies.

Given that one goal of the Institute of Coaching is to advance the field of coaching as a whole, we do not fund research on coaching models, tools, or methods that are proprietary (i.e., trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected) or primarily commercial in nature (i.e., exclusively associated with one author or group).

Can independent researchers or practitioners apply for research grants?

Yes. There is no need to be affiliated with an academic or research institution in order to submit a research proposal. However, all researchers must demonstrate their experience in research and their understanding of research protocols, or show evidence that they have a research mentor or supervisor for the project with a doctoral degree and scholarly publication record. Additionally, all grant recipients must provide proof of ethics approval from an Institutional Review Board or ethics committee prior to receiving grant funds. Independent researchers and practitioners are encouraged to partner with universities or organizations for ethics review purposes.

Can graduate students apply for grants?

Yes. We strongly encourage graduate and post-graduate research applicants. The research project must have been approved by the student's academic advisors or dissertation committee before submission to the Institute of Coaching.

Can institutions apply for grants?


Is an approval by the Internal Review Board (Ethics Committee) Required?

Yes. The project must be approved by the school or institution's Internal Review Board or Ethics Committee before funding can be transferred.

What types of research can be supported by the grants?

We welcome research proposals that advance the science, theory, profession and practice of coaching, employing quantitative, qualitative or mixed research methods. We grant three types of awards: Scientific Inquiry Grant, Graduate Student Fellowship Grant, and Open Access Publication Grant.

Types of Grants

What is the application procedure?

The application process begins with a brief pre-proposal, including an application form, 2-page project description, CV and budget. Details about how to submit a pre-proposal are outlined on the pre-proposal tab. Pre-proposals can be submitted any time throughout the year. The pre-proposal will be reviewed by members of the IOC Scientific Advisory Council and you will be notified within 30 days if you can proceed with a full grant application.

Is there a limit on how many pre proposals I can submit? 

Yes, we accept one pre proposal from any one individual per calendar year.  

Pre-Proposal Requirements

What are the deadlines?

Pre-proposals can be submitted at any time throughout the year. We review full proposals quarterly. Deadlines for submission of full proposals are: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1.

What expenses can an Institute of Coaching grant cover?

Itemized budgets are to be included in the full proposal and must be approved by the SAC. At the end of the research project period, researchers will be required to submit an itemized list of all expenses that were covered by the Institute of Coaching grant.

Scientific Inquiry Graduate Student Fellowship Research Dissemination

When will I receive information about the Scientific Advisory Council’s decision?

You will be informed about the decision of your pre-proposal within a month of submission. You will be informed of the decision about the full proposal within 75 days of the submission deadline.

Can I submit more than one proposal at a time?

No, only one proposal per researcher can be considered at any one time.

Can I re-submit a proposal that was rejected?

No, you cannot resubmit a rejected proposal. However, you can submit a new proposal with new research questions or new methodology.

How quickly must the research project be completed?

Projects funded by the Institute of Coaching will be completed according to the timeline and schedule submitted as part of the application process. Usually they are completed within 18 months of contract approval.

How long is the research paper expected to be?

There is no minimum or maximum length for research papers funded by the Institute of Coaching.

Will the Institute own the rights to the research?

No, the rights to the research will remain with the researcher.

Will the Institute publish the research?

Upon completion of a funded research project, the Institute may post a summary of the research outcomes on its website. For examples see Featured Research. The Institute retains the rights to post summaries and research reports on the work it funds, in print or electronically. Authors will retain copyright and the Institute posting will be completed in collaboration with authors. Papers published in journals will not be posted on the IOC website, but links to the publication in the relevant journal might be posted.

Will the Institute fund research that uses proprietary models?

Given that one goal of the Institute of Coaching is to advance the field of coaching as a whole, we do not fund research on coaching models, tools, or methods that are proprietary (i.e., trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected) or primarily commercial in nature (i.e., exclusively associated with one author or group). Receiving funding from the IOC precludes any future decisions to create proprietary material based on research we have supported.

Please direct further questions to [email protected].