CoachX Conversations

Herminia Ibarra on Why Career Change is Hard

Nearly all of us have entertained the notion of changing careers. Feeling burned out at work, unfulfilled, or just plain unhappy with whatever we're doing, we long to reinvent ourselves on a new and different career path. But how do we make this transition successfully?...

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CoachX Conversations: Dr. Pamela Larde on The Four Practices of Joy: How to Integrate Joy into our Personal and Professional Lives

In this CoachX Conversation, the Institute's Executive Director, Dr. Jeff Hull, engages in a unique and insightful conversation with the IOC's very own Director of Education, Dr. Pamela Larde....

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November 15, 2023 - 12:00pm to 12:30pm

Join IOC's executive director, Jeffrey Hull, as he interviews Jacquelyn Lane and Scott Osman as they demystify the coaching relationship and outline a framework that hinges on the openness integral to reaping the most from such an experience.

Meet Our Speakers

Jacquelyn Lane
Scott Osman

CoachX Conversations: Scott Shigeoka on the Power of Curiosity

Did you know that curiosity is your superpower as a coach? Though we often think of being curious as a personality trait, it’s actually the foundation of our capacity for connection, growth, and healing — and to support others on this journey too....

CoachX Conversations: Dan Fisher & Steve Garcia on The End of Leadership As We Know It

Pulling on research and client stories in the soon to be published book by Wiley: The End of Leadership As We Know It: What It Takes To Lead In Today’s Volatile and Complex World, Dr....

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CoachX Conversations: Ellen J. Langer on The Mindful Body: Thinking Our Way to Chronic Health

Learn how adjusting your thoughts can change your health—from the "mother of mindfulness" and first female tenured professor of psychology at Harvard....

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October 18, 2023 - 12:00pm to 12:30pm

In this CoachX Conversation, the Institute's Executive Director, Dr. Jeff Hull, engages in a unique and insightful conversation with the IOC's very own Director of Education, Dr. Pamela Larde. As the author of the soon to be released Joyfully Single, Dr. Larde offers a sneak peek into the four practices of joy, a cornerstone of her Multidimensional Framework of Joy. 

Meet Our Speaker

Photo of Pamela Larde

Dr. Pamela Larde, a professor, coach, author, and business owner, is committed to engaging in the work of advancing the reach and commitment of the coaching profession to serve and build up heart-centered leaders around the world.

October 4, 2023 - 12:00pm to 12:30pm

Did you know that curiosity is your superpower as a coach? Though we often think of being curious as a personality trait, it’s actually the foundation of our capacity for connection, growth, and healing — and to support others on this journey too. 

Meet Our Speaker

Scott Shigeokais an internationally recognized curiosity expert, speaker, and the author of SEEK: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World. He is known for translating research into strategies that promote positive well-being and connected relationships around the globe, including at the UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and through his groundbreaking courses at the University of Texas at Austin. Scott implements his curiosity practices in the public sector, Fortune 500 companies, Hollywood, media organizations, education institutions, and small businesses.

CoachX Conversations: Joanna Grover & Jonathan Rhodes on Amplify Your Results with Imagery

Do you want to learn a new psychological technique that is 5x’s more effective than the most traditional coaching approach? If so, you’ll want to tune in and learn about Functional Imagery Training (FIT) which combines motivational interviewing with imagery training....

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Michael Bungay Stanier on How to Work with (Almost) Anyone

Your happiness and success depend on your working relationships. The people you manage. Your boss. Key collaborators. Important clients. Most of us leave the health and fate of these relationships to chance. We hope for the best, and immediately get into the work....

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