CoachX Conversations

CoachX Conversations: Rita McGrath on Creating a Permissionless Organization

To thrive in complex and uncertain situations, we know that organizations do best when those at the ‘edges’ – who are close to customers and markets – can make decisions independently.  A few organizations are figuring out how to do this by creating ‘permissionless’ structures, in which teams can self-manage, which speeds up responsiveness ...

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CoachX Conversation: Richard Tedeschi on Expert Companionship in Posttraumatic Growth

Posttraumatic Growth can be facilitated through supportive relationships that may be professional or informal, planned or by happenstance. Expert Companionship is the type of relating that facilitates this growth....

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CoachX Conversation: Christopher Palmer on Brain Energy: A revolutionary breakthrough in understanding and treating mental illness

Mental illnesses are on the rise and are now the leading cause of disability on the planet. They impact people, businesses, and industries in countless ways. Although we have many treatments to offer, they fail to work for far too many people. The brain energy theory will change all of this....

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CoachX Conversation: German Herrera on A CEO on CEOs: challenges with accepting the new realities - where does the resistance come from?

We talked with German Herrera, the US CEO of Egon Zehnder, the global search and leadership advisory firm.  We all know that the best leaders need to be forward thinking and agile, but it's not as simple as we would like to believe.  Coaches are needed more than ever to help CEOs and...

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CoachX Conversation: Jennifer Brown on Coaching for the Evolving Inclusive Leader Skillset

Jennifer Brown discussed the best-selling second edition of her book How to Be an Inclusive Leader which launched on October 4th, 2022....

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CoachX Conversation: Douglas Choo on Coaching Executives to Lead Organizations Through Change

Douglas Choo, IOC Fellow, former Head of Strategy at Metlife Group and a consultant with McKinsey and Deloitte will be sharing a case study of his coaching at a financial institution which is going through changes....

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Natasha Bowman on Cultivating Cultures of Mental Wellness

A recent study by The Bowman Foundation for Workplace Equity and Mental Wellness revealed that while most workers admit they struggle with their mental health, disclosing mental health disorders to employers is still an issue....

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CoachX Conversation: Will Foussier on Strategies for Mastering Leadership Excellence in the Hybrid World of Work

The past year has brought significant changes for both companies and employees, as employers balance what worked well during the COVID-19 pandemic with more traditional workplace practices. The resulting hybrid work environment is here to stay, requiring new skill sets and competencies for leaders in the remote realm....

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CoachXConversation: Jeffrey Pfeffer on Coaching the "7 Rules of Power"

Is power the dirty secret or the secret to success? Both. While power carries some negative connotations, power is a tool that can be used for good or evil. Don’t blame the tool for how some people have used it....

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CoachXConversation: Safi Bahcall on Making the Impossible Possible

Safi Bahcall – Physicist, Author, & CEO Coach shares his amazing insights. He wrote the instant best seller Loonshots. You’ve heard of Moonshots, the audacious goals, but Loonshots are what get us there. These are the wild ideas that make the impossible possible....

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