
Webinar: The How of Working with Character Strengths

What is the latest science revealing about character strengths interventions? What are some typical traps coaches and other practitioners fall into when working with strengths? How might you avoid or overcome these traps? What are the main characteristics of a strengths-based practitioner?...

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Webinar: Coaching Executives to Lead Their Companies to Growth - What Qualities Really Matter?

What makes leaders of high growth companies different?  Can you coach your executive clients to be good leaders and equipped to do the hard work of driving growth?  Often, our client organizations look to the hard-...

Webinar: Coaching at Every Stage of Change

Stages of Change lie at the heart of the TTM. Studies of change have found that people move through a series of stages when modifying behavior. While the time a person can stay in each stage is variable, the tasks required to move to the next stage are not....

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Webinar: Showing Up: Courage, Presence and Power in Coaching Relationships

Reflect for a moment about times and situations in your coaching conversations when you hold back. Whoa, don’t read on. Reflect for a moment…...

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Webinar: Build an "A" Team: Play To Their Strengths and Lead Them Up the Learning Curve​

Worried about irrelevance? Is your client or your clients' organization about to get disrupted? If you are looking for a surefire sign, look at where your workforce is on the the S-curve. Based on my proprietary research around disruption, every organization is a collection of individual S or learning curves....

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Webinar: Cultural Equity and Women in Leadership

February's webinar will cover two topics by two presenters: 1) Got Privilege?  What does it have to do with Executive Coaching?  presented by Gail Greenstein, Ed.D.; a...

Webinar: In the Trenches: Coaching Physicians on Burnout

Around 50% of physicians today are experiencing at least one symptom of burnout, which has emerged as a crisis in the healthcare industry. Dr. Adelman leads Physicians’ Health Service at Massachusetts Medical Society which has seen a nearly tripling of physicians seeking assistance for burnout in the past four years....

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Webinar: Stakeholder Centered Coaching

Marshall Goldsmith, innaugural winner of the IOC's Leadership in Coaching award and author of What Got You Here Won't Get You There and Triggers will present his novel approach to working with leaders.  Stakeholder Centered Coaching, which was developed by Marshall Goldsmith, is a highly effective, transparent, structured and time effic...

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Webinar: Career Coaching for the 21st Century

Increased career mobility is a hallmark of careers in the 21st century....

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Webinar: Unconscious Bias: The Challenge and Opportunity for Coaching

Neuroscience research has begun to ‘connect the dots’ on how the brain works and how brain functioning supports both conscious and unconscious thought processes.  With this newfound knowledge, we are beginning to understand the power of unconscious bias and its impact on behavior, decision-making and interpersonal dynamics....
