
February 23, 2022 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

In this highly interactive session, Dr. Shaunna Payne Gold will provide tips for a minimalist approach to talking about race, racism, anti-racism, systemic oppression, and its inherent intersections as a coach.

This is a public webinar.

Webinar: The Impact of Black Women in Coaching: Paving, Repairing, and Innovating the Industry

In an era where professionals and organizations are taking more proactive approaches to building awareness and creating psychologically safe, inclusive environments, the research continues to indicate that identity differences can mean experiential differences on the journey to success....

Webinar: A New Hierarchy of Needs

Scott Barry Kaufman will present his research on self-actualization, revising Maslow’s famous “hierarchy of needs” for the 21st century....

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Webinar: From Disorders to Divergence: Why Understanding Neurodiversity is Important for Coaches

In this 1 hour session, Lana Jelenjev,...

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Webinar: Imagery for Personal and Team Performance

Twenty years of research have shaped the way we use imagery to change human behavior. But, unfortunately, many coaches confuse imagery with visualization....

Webinar: PROmoting Resilience During GRADuate School and Beyond (PRO-GRAD): A Motivational Coaching Intervention for Graduate Students

University-based mentorship programs have been associated with career enhancement, personal development, stress reduction, resilience promotion, and kindness, to name only a few benefits....

Webinar: This is Your Brain on Food: How the Gut Brain Connection Unfolds the Food Mood Connection


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Webinar: Digital Body Language: Coaching for Collaboration

Email replies that show up a week later. Video chats full of “oops... sorry no you go” and “can you hear me?!” Ambiguous text-messages. Is it any wonder communication takes us so much time and effort to figure out? How did we lose our innate capacity to understand each other?...

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Webinar: Who Gets Promoted and Why? Coaching the 5 Key Elements of Promotability

You’re great at what you do — so why aren’t your coaching clients getting promoted?...

Webinar: Coaching Systemically: Five Ways of Thinking About Systems

The term ‘systemic coaching’ is now widely used, usually to articulate the value for the coach of looking beyond the immediacy of the one-to-one coaching relationship. It is also being used to describe some specific, and quite different, ways of thinking about systems....
