Diversity is a hot topic today for organizations and leaders; diversity initiatives typically focus on developing a diverse workforce and leadershi...
This month the Institute of Coaching featured a ...
Our featured research article in the Journal of Positive Psychology (IOC members have journal access) comes to us from a team of authors in Pakista...
Today’s Feature is a Book: The Path: What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us About The Good Life by Michael Puett, Christine Gross-Loh (201...
Understanding the Executive Coaching Literature With coaching science in mind, every coach can answer these 3 questions:...
Positive psychology and coaching psychology are growing up together. ...
The coaching research literature, including more meta-analyses more recently, shows overall that coaching can produce a wide range of positive effe...
Today we feature a new book (2019) by Reinhard Stelter in Denmark, IOC scientific advisor an...
Prepare for Wellcoaches certification and your career as a health and wellness coach with Coaching Psychology Manual, 2e ...
This is an important question for 160+ million people in the US, and multiples of that number globally, who have a health risk or chronic condition...