Our goal for this special issue on “Asian Models of Leadership” as we set out in our call for papers was “to bring together empirical work carried out by a very diverse group of scholars and provide directions for advancing the field in new and interesting ways.” We set out to explore a number of questions and issues associated with a broadly conceived notion of leadership in Asian contexts. Our interest was to integrate fresh perspectives on leadership, and we sought rigorous data-driven research and strong conceptual frameworks. Our premise was that leadership research has been driven predominantly by Western scholars with Western data, and the growing influence of Asia in the global economy demands us to take a fresh look at our field and see what, if any, we need to call into question. We also wanted to explore if and how leadership in Asia may be different from what we have observed in Western contexts. After several rounds of reviews, we have in this special issue seven select papers, including two invited perspectives, which together address some, if not all, of these issues.
The Leadership Quarterly Volume 26, Issue 1, February 2015, Pages 1–6