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Coaching the Leadership Shadow

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Coaching the Leadership Shadow
Legs of young woman walking

When a leader’s responsibilities and strengths expand, there is more at stake and further to fall. The strain of the greater risks creates a shadow side, including doubt and anxiety. One moment a leader may feel omnipotent and the next moment, impotent. This internal conflict then expresses in some form of overdrive that can become a derailer, providing an opportunity for mindful self-compassion, insight, self-regulation, and growth.

In this dose, we summarize an article by Erik de Haan (IOC coaching thought leader) titled: The Leadership Shadow: How to Recognize and Avoid Derailment, Hubris, and Overdrive The article, while published in 2016, is even more relevant today during the pandemic era. The stresses and strains of the pandemic have led all of us to get more acquainted with our shadows.

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