Evaluating the effectiveness of executive coaching: beyond ROI?

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Evaluating the effectiveness of executive coaching: beyond ROI?
Coaching Jounral

The popularity of executive coaching has increased dramatically in both the practitioner world and academia during the past decade. However evaluating the effectiveness of coaching has lagged behind. Executive coaching is a multidisciplinary practice and professionals from many different scholarly backgrounds provide coaching services. The paucity of empirical research may be attributed to the lack of a consensus among these divergent professionals regarding whether and how to evaluate the effectiveness of coaching. In this article we conducted a meta-analysis of the empirical research as well as reviewed the retrospective studies evaluating coaching effectiveness. Subsequently we discussed six areas that impact the way researchers evaluate coaching effectiveness and the conclusions they may draw from their studies. Although the Return On Investment (ROI) index provides a straightforward overall measure of effectiveness its veracity and usefulness is questioned. It is hoped that the clarification ofthese areas will help guide the future of coaching evaluation research and practice.


Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2009, 117-134

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