How eudaimonic and hedonic motives relate to the well-being of close others

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How eudaimonic and hedonic motives relate to the well-being of close others

Past research has examined the link of eudaimonic and hedonic motives with personal well-being but less is known about their link with the well-being of close others. Also empirical data on the link with the well-being of close others would address an ongoing debate regarding whether eudaimonia is egoistic and possibly detrimental to others. Participants completed self-report measures of their typical degrees of eudaimonic and hedonic motivation. We then asked their friends and relatives to tell us how the participant affected their well-being. When entering eudaimonia and hedonia simultaneously as predictors of close other well-being in multiple regressions only eudaimonia related positively to the well-being of close others. Thus eudaimonia had a positive not negative impact on other people. Furthermore while past research shows that both eudaimonic and hedonic motives benefit personal well-being this study suggests that eudaimonic motivation has more positive influences on close others.

The Journal of Positive Psychology Vol. 7, No. 5, September 2012, 399–404

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