This grounded theory study looks at how theatre directors in rehearsal create a learning environment and considers what coa...
Affective-cognitive integration is a crucial skill for human development and therefore must also be a key enabler in coachi...
Youth Business International (YBI) has helped a significant number of young entrepreneurs through its network of business p...
This study sought to understand whether supervision provides real value to coaches by observing the experiences of group su...
Knowledge is the life-blood of organisations but the larger they grow the more difficult it becomes to share that knowledge...
Abstract ...
The coaching industry has reached a key important point in its maturation. This maturation is being driven by at least three interrelate...
Coaching is inherently a reflective process....
Presentation slide for Coaching through Change: Supporting Clients in Navigating Grief During their Career Transitions Webinar
Sensemaking is a critical leadership skill useful for comprehending changing context....
How can we create big value again with innovation?...
Coaching for Mindfulness: Restore Autonomy and Cure Burnout Presentation Slide
Financial wellness is so much more than money....
Psychological flexibility refers to the agility with which you relate to your experience and adapt your actions to align with goals and values...
In this session the speaker discusses the Why, What, and How of establishing a Coaching Culture, delving into its significance from the unique...
The unique culture and current circumstances of healthcare require an emphasis on particular competencies for coaches who work with physicians...
Over the last thirty years, Positive Psychology has gone from just an idea to a scientifically grounded discipline....
The slide presentation to accompany Rula Al-Abdulrazak's ...
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