Purpose: The purpose of this study is to empirically test whether it is possible to deliberately develop emotional intellig...
One of the most promising ways to increase well-being is to engage in valued and enjoyable activities....
Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Survey this paper assesses the relationship between life satisfaction and r...
When asked to describe a courageous action they have taken personally people overwhelmingly describe an action with a successful outcome (Pury...
The Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Well-Being (QEWB) was developed to measure well-being in a manner consistent with how it i...
Two studies were conducted investigating the relationship between the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) scales and...
The purpose of this study is to empirically test whether it is possible to deliberately develop emotional intelligence (EI) as conceptualized ...
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to empirically test whether it is possible to deliberately develop emotional intellig...
International Coaching Psychology Review 4(1) 105-110. Abstract...
While many senior executives can both afford and benefit from world class external coaching this may not be an affordable o...
This is an excerpt from The Executive Coaching Handbook which addresses the definition of executive coaching and competencies required.
This webinar will feature three international leaders in the field of 'coaching in education' - Dr Jim Knight, President, Instructional ...
Psychological Flexibility in Coaching Presentation slides
Research in positive psychology predicts numerous benefits of play and playfulness including enhanced positive impact on motivation,...
Day 2 Opening
The first 90 days are crucial, and we don’t get them back. In a fast paced technology company the old 90 day rules are not enough....
Globally recognized expert on learning and leadership, Jeff Wetzler offers a hands-on, surprisingly effective way to find out what others real...
Our lives are minefields of misinformation....
Job crafting is defined as “the physical and cognitive changes that individuals make in the task or relational boundaries of their work” (Wrze...
Integrating Images & Metaphors in Your Coaching Practice Presentation slides
Coach on the Healthcare Team: What’s the latest? Presentation Slide
A powerful metaphor for coaching casts it as a co-created “dance in the moment.” At some level, this analogy makes intuitive sense....
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