Leadership Coaching in the Age of Convergence

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Leadership Coaching in the Age of Convergence
Leadership Coaching in the Age of Convergence

With the flattening of hierarchies, the explosion of diversity and the emergence of virtual, networked organizations, a new type of leader is on the horizon: the post-heroic leader. Dr. Hull will review the evidence-based research underpinning this quiet revolution and share how the “age of convergence” – of time/space, science/practice, geography/culture, human/tech—and more—requires coaches, and their clients, to develop a whole new level of cerebral, emotional and somatic agility.

Jeffrey Hull, Ph.D. is an author, educator and consultant with over twenty years experience partnering with C-suite executives on issues of high performance leadership, change management, organizational strategy, structure and culture. Dr. Hull is a highly sought-after facilitator, keynote speaker and executive coach to both non-profit and for-profit global organizations. The CEO of Leadershift, Inc. a management consultancy based in New York City, Dr. Hull is also a clinical instructor in psychology at Harvard Medical School, and an adjunct professor of leadership at New York University.

Dr. Hull is a highly accomplished executive coach, organization effectiveness, leadership development, and human resource management professional. An expert in the field of organizational and leadership development since 1995, he has worked with leading multi-national companies in the US, Asia, and Europe, both as a senior management team member and as a consultant. He has worked on projects with Fortune 100, start-up and non-profit organizations in a wide range of industries, including legal services, health care, financial services, technology, advertising and education.

Jeffrey's latest book: Flex: The Art and Science of Leadership in a Changing World is available for purchase now.

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