This is a powerpoint slide deck that complements Richard Boyatzis PhD' keynote address at the Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference...
This is a recommended reading and resource list developed by David Peterson, PhD
This article was presented by David Peterson PhD Presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psycholog...
The purpose of this study was to examine resilience as the ability to bounce back from stress in predicting health-related measures when contr...
Should one give up the comforts of home in exchange for more leisure opportunities or a desirab...
Kashdan Biswas-Diener and King (2008) debated with Waterman (2008) the value of eudaimonic pers...
An article on Self Reflection: Helping to Build Coaching as a Professional Discipline
This MasterClass provides some evidenced-based marketing and strategies for coaches.
This article is an introduction to Positive Psychology Coaching Interventions.
Overview of Coaching Research ...