In the straightforward style characteristic of the whole book, the author starts the first chapter with the following explanation of the book’...
In this podcast Lew Stern discusses together with Carol Kauffman on how to build and market your practice based on your values, talents and sk...
This book offers a go-to reference designed to help every mental health professional build, manage, and sustain a thriving coaching practice....
Learn about how to build, refocus and expand your practice from Lew Stern, PhD, the author of Executive Coaching: Building and Managing Y...
Lew Stern, PhD presents "Executive Coaching: Building and Managing Your Professional Practice" at the 2013 Coaching in Leadership and Healthca...
This month we feature a new “meta analysis” research study that explores the impact of coaching on behavior change....
Interview with Lew Stern PhD and Joan Ryan, JD, Founding Fellow of the Institute of Coaching on building your professional practice pres...
No longer considered a remedial “add-on” to executive development programs, coaching for leaders and executives has become an integral part of...
The IOC is pleased to share books authored by our Fellows and Sponsors. ...
The IOC is pleased to share books authored by our Fellows and Sponsors. ...