Global virtual working across cultures and the use of manager-as-coach programmes have been increasing....
The purpose of this action research project is to understand how a coach’s own cultural lens impacts his/her coaching....
This paper describes three mentorship workshops facilitated in Fiji which were part of 11 such sessions recently conducted throughout the Paci...
This paper proposes that raising culturally-bound awareness and building culturally-appropriate responsibility constitute the essence of good ...
This article reports on a study that assessed professional cross-cultural coaches’ awareness and interpretation of ‘global mindedness’....
The importance of a cultural perspective in coaching is increasingly significant for coaching practitioners and academics living in a globalis...
Indigenous knowledge in coaching and coach training is key to Southern Africa’s leadership development and the re-connection to more human and...
Dr Alastair Macfarlane is a management practitioner consultant and coach in the international domain....
This article describes a new conceptual approach to youth spiritual development positing it as a universal aspect of positive youth developmen...
Understanding institutional systems is critical for the advancement of women's participation in leadership in varying contexts....