Transformational leadership is generally considered helpful for team functioning....
Positive associations between physical attractiveness and employee reward are well-documented within the organisational literature....
We examine the influence of two sources of team leadership – formally assigned external team leaders and team coaches, along with organization...
Measures of leader reward and punishment omission and behavioral integrity have demonstrated sound psychometric properties and interesting rel...
Leadership studies concentrate on large-scale societies and organizations with formal hierarchies, large power differences, and diverse member...
The purpose of this research is to investigate the use of dyads instead of whole rating groups for analyzing 360° feedback....
This review synthesizes conceptual and empirical research on the emergence of individual and collective leadership in task groups, and propose...
Leadership is one of the most examined factors in relation to understanding employee well-being and performance....
Emotions are an area of research commanding increasing scholarly attention in the field of leadership; yet, a focus on the cognitive processin...
We extend research on leadership and emotions by addressing two previously under-researched areas....