Mentoring pre-service teachers on school students' differentiated learning

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Mentoring pre-service teachers on school students' differentiated learning
Coaching and Mentoring Journal

This Australian study explores the mentoring of pre-service teachers in selecting and implementing teaching strategies to meet students' learning needs. Two case studies involving 28 mentor teachers in a professional development program and a mentor-mentee partnership during a four week practicum provided data about mentoring teaching strategies for differentiated learning. Findings showed that contexts for learning about differentiation occurred at the pre-action in-action and post-action stages. Central to each stage were pedagogical knowledge practices such as planning preparation classroom management assessment and problem solving (reflection-in-action to present solutions to problems) as key to in-action strategising and the mentoring processes. Mentoring pre-service teachers on how to devise teaching strategies for differentiated learning needs to be researched with a wider range of mentors and pre-service teachers including those at different stages of development.

International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 11, No. 1 , February 2013

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