Mindfulness at Work and in Coaching

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Mindfulness at Work and in Coaching

Mindfulness promotes health and well-being. Its applications and benefits have been the subject of research for thirty years and there is growing evidence of the positive effects across a multiplicity of domains.

Organisations today are confronted by challenges brought by continuous change, globalisation, growing cultural differences and a constant need for efficacy and efficiency. These and other factors contribute to the ever increasing pace at which organisations operate to remain competitive in a difficult market place. This trend is challenging the well-being and health of the working population and indirectly of the economy itself. The costs of ill-health as a result of stress and other work related disorders is a significant drain on resources. It is estimated that in the UK in 2006/07, some 30 million days were lost due to work-related ill-health; around three quarters of the cases were musculoskeletal disorders, stress, depression or anxiety. In people terms, some 2.2 million people were reported to be suffering from an illness they believed was caused or made worse by their current or past work. When looked at in terms of the working population, around 14% of all working individuals believed their work to be very or extremely stressful (HSE, 2007).

Passmore, J. (2009) „Mindfullness at work and in coaching. paper presented to the Danish Psychology Society Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. May 2009.

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