Positive Psychology at the Movies

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Positive Psychology at the Movies

Now with dozens of evocative movie images to help discuss key points
Three completely new chapters on "PERMA" (positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment), the 5 core areas of well-being discussed by positive psychologists:
o Positive Relationships
o Mindfulness and Resilience
o Achievement, Meaning, Engagement, and Positive Emotions
Now discusses nearly 1,500 positive psychology movies - 400 of them new to this edition
More in-depth discussion of film exemplars for each character strength, exploring its dynamics, use for coping, benefits - and now with movie exemplars of overuse and underuse of each strength
New exemplars include Edward in the Twilight series (self-regulation); Robert Downey, Jr.'s Sherlock Holmes (exceptional judgment/critical thinking); Lisbeth Salander in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (prudence); The Artist (zest); and dozens more
New appendices listing "Positive Psychology Movies for Children, Adolescents, and Families"; "Movies of the Year" for recent years; and "Positive Psychology Short Films"
More extensive commentary on research and practice for each of the 24 character strengths, now with over 800 scholarly references
Updated charts, references, practitioner resources, and more!

Movies are a powerful and enjoyable medium for learning. This book shows exactly how to use film to learn about the concepts and the real-life benefits of positive psychology, both for self-improvement and in classes or seminars.

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