The Power of Wisdom in the Age of AI

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The Power of Wisdom in the Age of AI
Conference 2024 . Harvard medical school, mclean and institute of coaching

The world is undergoing massive technological changes, and AI will be an integral part of this next chapter of life. While computer intelligence is increasing at lightning speed, there are elements it will never replace, including the power of human connection and presence. Yes, we need answers to certain questions AI will provide, but there are other questions that can only be accessed when we are able to receive support through the presence of another person, someone who is able to foster genuine human connection and empathy.

While some jobs will be replaced, other opportunities will present themselves, and our job is to navigate this time and continue to offer our own gifts and talents. This talk will explore this topic, looking at how we can both harness the emerging power of AI, while also remembering what is most essential to our life and work that no machine can replace.

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