September 2018 Coaching Report

September 2018 Coaching Report

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September 2018 Coaching Report
September 2018 Coaching Report

2018 Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference

We are delighted to share some  highlights for our upcoming 2018 Coaching in Leadership & Healthcare Conference. Please join us for two uplifting days in Boston Sept 28-29!
We have a wide range of world class speakers, including the scientific leader in burnout, Christina Maslach, four CEOs of major organizations on transformational change, the amazing conductor Ben Zander (demonstrating real-time team coaching of musicians), and foremost professors on neuroscience and coaching: Mark Wallace and Richard Boyatzis–who will blow our minds! Our breakout sessions are deeper dives into team coaching, motivational interviewing, vertical development, conscious leadership, and well-being. This year's research symposia feature coaching research in healthcare and leadership where you can experience the teaching of Harvard Business School professors by exploring the first HBS case on coaching. 
If you can’t come don’t worry! Most of our conference talks will be available on our website. Many of our speakers also offer webinars throughout the year. Please become an IOC member to access conference videos and webinars – your growth edges await!

Day One: Get the wisdom of transformational leaders

We open with world renowned coach Mark Thompson hosting a conversation on transformational leadership and coaching with four leaders of global, multi-billion-dollar organizations, including CEOs of Tata Communications, the World Bank, Pay Pal Holdings and DBL Partners. Join them for an in-depth session in an afternoon track.

Dorie Clark will speak about coaches as entrepreneurs and share her work published by Harvard Business Review Press on how to build a coaching business. 
Harvard Business School’s Ashley Whillans will share her innovative well-being at work study – how do we and our clients navigate the many trade-offs of work, including time and money, and how organizations can test interventions for workplace well-being.
Our breakouts focus on team coaching, the cutting edge of motivational interviewing, acceptance and commitment therapy applied to coaching, our featured CEOs, and a Research Symposium on Health and Wellness Coaching and Leadership Coaching. 
Then, to coaching in music: Enjoy our energizing, interactive, and emergent experience with Conductor Ben Zander and Thought-Leader-Coach Roz Zander. 

Day Two: Top professors: health, burnout, and neuroscience

Professor and Dean Mark Wallace explores the neuroscience of how we experience the world, how coaching has affected his brain, and how multisensory perception and plasticity inform coaching.
Professor Christina Maslach, the Carnegie Foundation Professor of the Year (whose pioneering burnout inventory is the global standard) will share her latest perspectives on burnout and prevention. 
Following are keynotes on positive psychology and coaching for youth and the first Harvard Business School case on coaching.
Afternoon breakouts include vertical development in coaching,  brain health and performance, becoming a conscious leader,  Dr. Maslach on healthy workplaces, and coaching basics in  motion. Plus, we will have research symposia on healthcare and leadership. 
Professor Richard Boyatzis will inspire and close the conference with the Heart of Coaching: Dreams, Possibilities, and Sustained change.
If we don’t see you there – please visit our website to enjoy the Conference that Never Ends.
Yours truly,
Carol Kauffman

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  • McLean Hospital
  • 115 Mill Street, Mail Stop 314
  • Belmont, MA 02478
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