Three Pillars of Health Coaching: Patient Activation, Motivational Interviewing and Positive Psychology

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Three Pillars of Health Coaching: Patient Activation, Motivational Interviewing and Positive Psychology
The Three Pillars of Health Coaching

Three Pillars of Health Coaching: Patient Activation, Motivational Interviewing and Positive Psychology provides the fundamentals of three essential tools that health coaches can use to measure and monitor activation levels, elicit behavior change, move clients along the path to self-management and have a positive impact on health outcomes and utilization. In this 57-page report, get background on these three health coaching essentials: -Patient Activation MeasureTM: The Patient Activation MeasureTM is a relatively new tool that assesses a patient s level of activation to more appropriately tailor healthcare interventions. Developed by Dr. Judith Hibbard, a professor of health policy at the University of Oregon, the Patient Activation MeasureTM (PAM) was designed to assess an individual s knowledge, skill and confidence in managing their health. Dr. Hibbard describes the 13-item scale that asks people about their beliefs, knowledge and confidence for engaging in a wide range of health behaviors, from the research behind its development to the impact it can have on a patient's healthcare self-efficacy and service utilization. -Motivational Interviewing: Motivational interviewing is a client-centered counseling approach developed in part by Professor William R. Miller, Ph.D. and Professor Stephen Rollnick, Ph.D. From the perspective of a physician and a health psychologist from the field of integrative medicine, learn how motivational interviewing skills and training can enrich the health coaching encounter. Karen Lawson, M.D., program director for the health coaching track at the Center for Spirituality and Healing, University of Minnesota and a physician from the field of integrative medicine, and Ruth Wolever, Ph.D., clinical health psychologist and director of research at Duke Integrative Medicine, describe how motivational interviewing skills can provide a foundational framework for health coaching interaction. -Positive Psychology: Recent findings in the field of positive psychology link positive emotions and well-being with both health and longevity. The relatively new domain of coaching psychology is exploring the effects of targeting both the client's mental state and physical condition during the coaching encounter. Wellcoaches CEO Margaret Moore explores research linking physical and mental health as well as critical coaching skills and outcomes that help bring about lasting behavior change. The theories of positive psychology come alive during a 15-minute unscripted coaching demonstration in which Moore helps a volunteer client Kathy Smith (not her real name) to identify life issues that are keeping her from being her "best self" in managing a thyroid condition and weight issues.

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