Transformational leadership and follower creativity: The mediating role of follower relational identification and the moderating role of leader creativity expectations

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Transformational leadership and follower creativity: The mediating role of follower relational identification and the moderating role of leader creativity expectations
The Leadership Quarterly

We examined follower relational identification with the leader as a mediator and follower perceptions of leader creativity expectations as a moderator in the relationship between transformational leadership and follower creativity. Using a sample of 420 leader–follower dyads from an energy company in mainland China, we found that follower relational identification with the leader mediates the transformational leadership–follower creativity relationship, and this mediating relationship is conditional on the moderator variable of follower perceptions of leader creativity expectations for the path from follower relational identification to follower creativity. These results contribute to the literature by clarifying why (through relational identification) and when (high creativity expectations set by the leader) transformational leadership is positively related to follower creativity.

The Leadership Quarterly Volume 26, Issue 2, April 2015, Pages 286–299

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