Have you ever worked with a leader who keeps getting stuck in the same self-defeating patterns? Do you see them struggling to motivate others to take action, frustrated and confused why their efforts aren't working? Or, do you wish you had better tools for identifying a client’s biggest needs and surfacing their true thoughts and feelings? Turns out, there is an approach that can help address all of these challenges: asking high quality questions in ways that draw out true candor from other people.
In this engaging webinar, Jeff Wetzler, author of ASK: Tap Into the Hidden Wisdom of People Around You, shares his transformative 5-step Ask Approach for drawing out the candid thoughts, ideas, and perspectives of others, unlocking unexpected breakthroughs, deeper self-awareness, and stronger relationships.
Participants will:
Find out the most common types of vital information people don’t tell them and why
Learn the 5-step Ask Approach, which will enable them to tap into the unspoken insights around them, through:
Choosing to get curious,
Making it safer for others to speak candidly,
Posing quality questions designed to surface the information they most need to know,
Listening to learn what’s most essential, and
Reflecting on what they heard, and translating it into action
Walk away inspired and energized to use the Ask Approach to supercharge learning and performance for themselves and their clients.