The mother-daughter relationship remains one of the most disregarded and under-researched topics, even though women’s development research reveals that a woman’s relationship with her mother is inextricably linked to her emotional development. This means that whenever a coach is working with a female client, her mother will metaphorically be present in the room with her, requiring the coach to understand the underlying dynamics between mothers and daughters.
In this webinar, Rosjke Hasseldine will pass on some of what she has learned over her thirty-year career as a mother-daughter therapist and coach. Rosjke will introduce you to the Mother-Daughter Attachment® Model, and how this model provides coaches with the tools they need to understand the often-hidden dynamics between mothers and daughters, uncover generational trauma, and facilitate healing, emotional empowerment, and generational change. And Rosjke will explain how the Mother-Daughter History Mapping exercise, which is the Mother-Daughter Attachment® Model’s diagnostic exercise, provides coaches with a roadmap on how to understand women’s generational experience with patriarchy and how to facilitate healing, generational change, and emotional empowerment.