Flower has grown in arid cracked barren soil

Webinar: PROmoting Resilience During GRADuate School and Beyond (PRO-GRAD): A Motivational Coaching Intervention for Graduate Students

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Webinar: PROmoting Resilience During GRADuate School and Beyond (PRO-GRAD): A Motivational Coaching Intervention for Graduate Students
Flower has grown in arid cracked barren soil

University-based mentorship programs have been associated with career enhancement, personal development, stress reduction, resilience promotion, and kindness, to name only a few benefits. Promoting strategies for stress-reduction and resilience-enhancement among graduate students can support their success in many areas of their lives and this is especially important in the current climate. There are unique stressors associated with being a graduate student; namely research funding, research projects, teaching assistantships, completing course work, and the pressure to publish. Such stressors can lead to negative health consequences including burnout and suppression of the immune system and might deplete students’ resilience.

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