Michael Forlenza

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Michael Forlenza is an experienced leader, international leadership consultant, and leadership development coach having worked for over a decade with both executive and emerging leaders across a wide variety of corporate and economic sectors including academic medicine and healthcare, public health, higher education, mental health care, financial services, insurance services, legal services, law enforcement, sales, government, biotechnology, engineering, management consulting, hospitality, and food service. Prior to becoming a full-time coach, consultant, and facilitator, Michael served as Assistant Dean in the School of Leadership and Professional Advancement at Duquesne University where he initiated, founded, and taught Executive Coaching in the Professional Coach Certification Program (PCCP), an International Coach Federation Accredited Coach Training Program, also having served as its Executive Director. He is currently a Senior Faculty Member and Director of Faculty Training with Lodestar Consulting and Executive Coaching where he leads and facilitates programs in Trauma-Responsive Leadership and teaches a Trauma-Mitigation Master Class for Coaches.