Thomas Hammerschmidt

Thomas Hammerschmidt's picture

Employment history:

1978 - 1980 Research associate at University of Marburg

to 1982 Therapist at a psycho-somatic clinic

1982 - 1985 Trainer at FORUM Z, psychological consultancy for companies and public authorities in Ottersberg-Fischerhude near Bremen

1986 - 1990 Managing partner of FORUM Z

Foundation of FORUM Z 8,
Psychologisches Consulting & Training GmbH
in Augsburg, managing partner

2002 Foundation of partner company GHS-Partner organizational-psychological consultancy

Topics and projects:

Performance improvement technology (HPI)-oriented organizational consultancy

Executive coaching

Management training: analysis, conception, and implementation

Moderation and team consultancy

Economic mediation

Basic training:


Study of law, sociology, and psychology (Freiburg, Zurich, Marburg)
Degree: Graduate in Psychology, University of Marburg
Subjects: social psychology (attitudes and attitude change, group dynamics), clinical psychology (diagnostics, client-centered psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, rehabilitation psychology)


Main qualification focus:


Member of the International Society of Performance Improvement (ISPI),
Training as performance consultant at the 1st European Curriculum on Performance Improvement,
Change management of ISPI and ASTD (American Society of Training and Development),
Member of International Coaching Federation (ICF),
Training in NLP, client-centered psychotherapy, behavioral therapy