Leading and Coaching Across Cultures: Understanding and Leveraging Cultural Differences


By: Philippe Rosinski


Starting April 09, 2024


Learn to systematically integrate culture into your coaching with individuals, teams, and organizations to make the most of alternative cultural perspectives for expanded awareness, greater creativity, and increased unity.

Traditional coaching has implicitly reflected particular norms, values and basic assumptions that do not necessarily hold true universally. However, from notions of time to patterns of communication, all human endeavors are influenced by culture. Building upon Philippe Rosinski’s seminal book “Coaching Across Cultures”, this seminar will allow you to weave culture into your coaching practice so it can become fully effective in today’s intercultural environment. Moreover, you will discover how intercultural coaching can be positioned in the context of an even more ambitious vision for coaching, which also integrates physical, managerial, psychological, political and spiritual perspectives.

You will become familiar with the Cultural Orientations Framework (COF), a roadmap to navigate the cultural terrain. While still allowing comparison of individual profiles with various national cultures, the COF assessment has a much broader scope. It aims at helping individuals grow by learning from cultural differences of various kinds. Culture here consists of all the characteristics we have acquired along the way, by interacting with various groups of people and being part of different cultural groups (family, generation, profession, company, country, religion, etc.). The COF assessment can be viewed as an equivalent, at the cultural level, to a personality assessment such as the MBTI®.

Continuing Education Credits

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) has approved this series for a total of 7.5 hours (6 Core Competency and 1.5 Resource Development) of CEU credit! This includes the 3 seminars and 3 discussion groups. The series is also approved for 7.5 hours from the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC), 7.5 hours from EMCC Global, 7.5 hours from Wellcoaches and 7.5 hours from Association for Coaching.

You will receive credit for the sessions that you attend live. At the end of the series you will need to complete a survey and after completion of the survey you will be sent a CEU certificate for the number of CEUs that you earned.

Watching a recording will not qualify you for CEUs.

Seminar Facilitator

Philippe Rosinski

Prof. Philippe Rosinski, MCC, is considered the pioneer of intercultural and global coaching. He is the author of two seminal books, Coaching Across Cultures and Global Coaching. For over 30 years and across continents, Philippe has helped people and organizations thrive and make a positive difference in the world.

Philippe is a world authority in executive coaching, team coaching, and global leadership development. He is the first European to have been designated Master Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation. He has also developed an integrative coaching supervision approach.

Registration Details

Early Bird Offer

Get $50 off Now through February 29, 2024

Date & Time Topic
April 09, 2024
7:00 am to 8:30 am ET
Enriching Coaching with Interculturalism
In this live session, moving beyond cultural stereotyping, you’ll hear about a dynamic and inclusive concept of culture. You’ll discover that Coaching Across Cultures/Intercultural Coaching enables more effective work across cultures (not only in an international sense) as well as constitutes a more creative and complete form of coaching (challenging our cultural assumptions and propelling us beyond previous limitations). You’ll find out about the various attitudes we can adopt vis-à-vis cultural differences (Bennett-Rosinski 7-stage model), culminating with leveraging cultural differences. You’ll learn about the Cultural Orientations Framework (COF), a roadmap to navigate the cultural terrain and become aware of salient cultural characteristics for individuals, teams, and organizations.
April 30, 2024
7:00 am to 8:30 am ET
Leveraging Diversity for Team and Organizational Development
In this live session, you’ll discover how cultural diversity can be a double-edge sword in teams, mergers & acquisitions, strategic alliances as well as for the transformative partnerships required to promote the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Cultural diversity, when not adequately managed, can derail promising ventures. However, you’ll learn about research findings as well as real-life case studies illustrating how intercultural coaching using the COF can promote instead synergies and sustainable success. You‘ll hear about three complementary forms of diversity (external/demographic, internal/cognitive and implicit/hidden) and how to get more from D&I programs by unleashing the full potential in diversity.
May 14, 2024
7:00 am to 8:30 am ET
Addressing Complexity with Global Coaching
In this live session, you’ll discover how Coaching Across Cultures can be positioned in the broader context of Global Coaching. This integrated coaching approach involves coaching from multiple perspectives, which is needed to promote sustainable and meaningful success in today’s complexity. You’ll discover how to enhance your coaching practice as well as possibly transform your life by considering six interconnected perspectives: physical, managerial, psychological, political, cultural, and spiritual. You’ll learn how your coaching can be informed by various disciplines and cultures, while promoting unity in diversity and focusing on the essentials.
Date & Time Topic
April 16, 2024
7:00 am to 8:00 am ET
How do your Cultural Orientations impact your Coaching?
In this live discussion session, you’ll practice peer coaching to examine your COF results. You’ll become aware of your cultural orientations and how these tend to impact your coaching. You’ll discover growth opportunities in the form of underused cultural orientations. Raising your own cultural awareness will allow you to systematically integrate culture and the COF assessment into your one-on-one coaching engagements with clients.
May 07, 2024
7:00 am to 8:00 am ET
How can you help this Merger become a Success?
You will read a case study about a merger between two companies, exploring cultural similarities and cultural differences, and pondering specific recommendations to make this venture a success. In the live discussion session, you will discuss the case in subgroups, aiming to come to consensus on your analysis and recommendations. In the group debrief session, you will reflect on your team process, exploring your cultural group dynamics and uncovering ways to build unity in diversity.
May 21, 2024
7:00 am to 8:00 am ET
How will you tackle your Complex and Recurrent Challenges?
In this live discussion session, you’ll discover new options (in the form of alternative viewpoints) for addressing your complex and recurrent challenges. You’ll first engage in peer coaching before joining the large group for a supervision/intervision session based on Global Coaching. You’ll learn how to integrate multiple perspectives into your coaching, thereby promoting sustainable and meaningful success for you, your clients and all the people you can positively impact.

As a result of the seminar, you will notably

  • Have acquired a vocabulary to describe cultural differences and become mindful of these cultural variations for essential activities such as communicating, thinking, organizing, managing time, defining one’s purpose, exercising one’s responsibility, etc.
  • Become familiar with the Cultural Orientations Framework (COF) and understand how to leverage cultural differences when leading or coaching individuals, teams, and organizations.
  • Become more conscious of the interconnected nature of our reality and the advantage of juggling multiple perspectives (ranging from the physical to the spiritual) when leading or coaching in complex situations.

In sum, in this 6-part live series, you will gain the tools to raise your own cultural self-awareness and help your clients increase theirs. You will learn an integrated approach to coaching best suited to promote deep transformation and foster a more sustainable and purposeful world.