Tricky Case Forum

June 14, 2024 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Tricky case forum is a place for seasoned coaches to learn together from the cases that stump us. Each hour session will use the power of inquiry to unpack a case that one coach finds to be particularly tricky for them. "Tricky" means that it is a coaching case or situation that sticks with them in some way, there is something about it that either triggers the coach, rubs them the wrong way, or for some reason, keeps coming back to mind as a challenge and, of course, opportunity.

The coach who brings a case to discuss will present the coaching situation in a 5-10 minute synopsis. Those on the call have 5 minutes to ask clarifying questions and then are put into small break out groups to come up with questions and different perspectives they might offer the presenting coach. The idea is NOT to supervise or advise but rather offer considerations and questions to expand the presenting coaches frame and perspective.

This event is exclusively for Fellows

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We are also looking for cases for future sessions. Previous participants have received great value from past forums:

  • “The tricky case discussion opened up new perspectives on the coach/client relationship that I hadn’t considered, and my colleagues asked powerful questions that helped me examine my own assessments. It was a rich discussion all around.” - Alison Carroll, Executive Coach & Founder at The Hidden Narrative, LLC
  • “A great opportunity to deepen my learning and gain valuable insights from trusted colleagues.” - Maura Fredericks, Executive Leadership Coach & Founder at Maura Fredericks, LLC

To submit a case for review complete this form.

BetterUp FellowBetterUp Fellow Included with SponsorshipBetterUp Fellow UpgradeIOC Consultants (Paid)Harnisch ScholarSponsor FellowshipFellowFellow included with SponsorshipFounding FellowFounding Fellow Included with SponsorshipNon-Directory Fellow

Meet Our Co-Hosts

Photo of Tracy Fuller

Tracy helps her clients advance business strategies by scaling their leadership effectiveness. She specializes in coaching senior executives, leveraging her expertise in executive and organizational development, neuroscience and applied creativity. She is Managing Director of COMPIO, an executive coaching and leadership development practice.

Jeffrey Hull, Ph.D. is the Executive Director at the IOC. He is an author, educator and consultant with over twenty years experience partnering with C-suite executives on issues of high performance leadership, change management, organizational strategy, structure and culture. Dr. Hull is a highly sought-after facilitator, keynote speaker and executive coach to both non-profit and for-profit global organizations. The CEO of Leadershift, Inc. a management consultancy based in New York City, Dr. Hull is also a clinical instructor in psychology at Harvard Medical School, and an adjunct professor of leadership at New York University.

Photo of Pamela Larde

Dr. Pamela Larde, a professor, coach, author, and business owner, is committed to engaging in the work of advancing the reach and commitment of the coaching profession to serve and build up heart-centered leaders around the world.