Slides to accompany Eric Kaufmann's webinar: Showing Up: Courage, Presence and Power in Coaching Relationships
Reflect for a moment about times and situations in your coaching conversations when you hold back. Whoa, don’t read on....
PowerPoint slides to compliment Eric Kaufmann's presentation at the 2017 Harvard Medical School Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Con...
Abstract: The demand on techniques, approaches and processes that have a positive impact on courage, fear...
Eric Kaufmann presents on Beyond Beliefs: Going Further with Mindfulness, Courage, and Compassion at the 2017 Annual Coaching in Lea...
Abstract ...
Is it always good to be courageous?...
Is it always good to be courageous?...
Courage has seen an explosion of research in all branches of psychology and the most popular measure is Norton and Weiss’s the courage measure...
We propose that seeking mental health care in an environment with heightened stigma may combine elements of both psychological and moral coura...