bright blue flower with green leaves growing on a dark gray rock - toughness, strength, resilience, resistance concept

Resilience to Thrive Coaching: A Science-to-Practice Approach

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Resilience to Thrive Coaching: A Science-to-Practice Approach
bright blue flower with green leaves growing on a dark gray rock - toughness, strength, resilience, resistance concept

This interactive session will introduce participants to the 10 principles of the Resilience to Thrive (R2T) Coaching model/training developed and researched by Dr. Joel Bennett and colleagues from Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems. At its core, R2T situates resilience as one step in a broader aspirational framework that treats human beings as having an innate power to transform stress and challenges into positive growth experiences, across the lifespan. Participants will learn about resilience stories, set-point, working with triggers, job crafting, creating the “couch” of coaching, and the use of cognitive-behavioral worksheets and coaching tools that support the resilience to thrive journey. We will also showcase a 1-year follow-up evaluation study of coaching students who went through the R2T training. Results suggest the model holds promise as an adjunct to both wellness coaching and mental health practice.

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  • McLean Hospital
  • 115 Mill Street, Mail Stop 314
  • Belmont, MA 02478
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