While we and our clients strive for stronger personal relationships, to conquer our bad habits, to lead more effectively, or to get ahead in our careers, we often get caught in negative emotional and behavioral patterns that prevent us from moving forward. Meanwhile, the demands of our culture increasingly make us even less able to perform at our best.
But by becoming more aware of our own emotional nature, learning how to face our feelings and unhooking from our negative thoughts, we can begin to evaluate them and to change our actions to match our values. Emotional Agility is a process that enables us to navigate life’s twists and turns with self-acceptance, clear-sightedness, and an open mind. The process isn’t about ignoring difficult emotions and thoughts. It’s about holding those emotions and thoughts loosely, facing them courageously and compassionately, and then moving past them to ignite change in our life.
Drawing on more than twenty years of research in the field of behavioral science, Susan David, an award-winning psychologist at Harvard Medical School and co-founder of the Institute of Coaching, will outline the key components of Emotional Agility, the concept that Harvard Business Review heralded a Management Idea of the Year.
Why emotional agility is a critical skillset.
How getting hooked by our thoughts, emotions and stories stops our clients from thriving.
The essential steps to cultivate emotional agility in life and work.